Cherry Tomato, Collection
Heirloom Cherry Tomato Garden Seeds Seed Kit. If you haven't grown cherry tomatoes yet, you're in for a treat! Those flavorless, rock-hard marbles in the grocery store are nothing like the succulent varieties you can grow in your own backyard. Cherry tomatoes are big producers, making them popular with everyone. This Seed Kit is a $19.90 value. In this collection, you get one packet each of 5 varieties, just ideal for snacking on as you work in the garden! Here are our five favorite sweet cherries:
Red Cherry Tomato
Black Cherry Tomato
Orange Cherry Tomato
Austins Red Pear Tomato
Yellow Pear Tomato
Within just a few weeks, you'll be watching the first delicious fruits turn from green to ripe. We predict that this collection will make cherry tomatoes a regular part of your garden every season from now on!