Blizzard, Snow Peas
This wonderful snow pea is becoming more challenging to find, which is a shame given its wonderful flavor. Concentrated, high yields of slender, neon-green, 3″ pods on 3 1/2′ vines. Sweet, crisp, and easy to pick. Blizzard is great in salads, stir-fries, or eaten fresh off the vine. A bit meatier than standard snow pea types. Sweet and delicious. Best grown with a trellis. OP. 61 days.
Plant your Pea Seeds outside 4-6 weeks before the average last frost for your area. Make sure that the soil is warmer than 45 degrees. Plant your pea seeds about 1 inch deep in the full sun. Allow 6 inches between each pea seed. Keep an eye on your seeds for a few days - poke them back in if they wash out of the soil. Grab the vine with one hand and pick the peas off with the other hand to avoid damaging the vines. Harvest when the peas are tender, and the pods are developed. The more peas you pick, the more peas the plant will produce!
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
~25 Seeds
~50 Seeds
~100 Seeds