Old German, Tomato
This heirloom is dated to the mid-1800s and was a favorite of many Mennonite families. The Old German tomato variety is a heritage tomato from the Mennonite community of the Shenandoah Valley area of Virginia. It makes a gorgeous slicer and is beloved for its enormous 1- to 2-lb. , beefsteak-type fruit that is meaty with an excellent old-time flavor. The fruit is golden-yellow with red stripes on the outside and marbled on the inside, which gives it a beautiful appearance when sliced up and served fresh on sandwiches and burgers. Indeterminate.
Pkt Size/Seeds
~25+ Seeds
~50+ Seeds
•(Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
•Annual Crop
•USA-Grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing; 1 plant per 2 sq ft
•USDA Zones: 3-12