Sweet Thai, Basil
This basil has 3-4 inch green leaves, purple stems, and clusters of deep purple flowers. Sweet and spicy, this basil has licorice overtones that are good in both Italian and Thai cooking. Late flowering, resulting in high herb yields. Pick young shoots regularly to extend the harvest; don't let it dry out. The vigorous plant is easy to grow, with few disease and pest problems. 72-90 days. Authentic Thai basil flavor.
Try it as a flavorful garnish for sweet dishes. Green, 2" long leaves have a spicy, anise/clove flavor. Attractive purple stems and blooms. Called "Horapha" in its mother country, "Hun Que" in Vietnam.
Use the flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. The flavor is of intense, spicy basil with notes of clove and anise.
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
0.6 g / 100+ Seeds