Super Sugar, Snap Peas
An earlier, somewhat shorter-vined version of Sugar Snap with the critical addition of resistance to powdery mildew. The vines avg. Five or more and need trellising. Early yields are heavier than Sugar Snap, but the harvest period is shorter. The pods avg. 3", and the flavor is good but not quite as sweet as Sugar Snap. Remove string from pods before eating. An improved Sugar Snap. Very tall, with better resistance to powdery mildew, thicker and plumper pods (and more of them). It can outproduce Sugar Snap, with a comparable, sweet flavor. Matures up to a week earlier than the old Sugar Snap. They're delicious raw, steamed, or stir-fried; you eat them pod and all. The plant produces thick, full-size, ever-so-sweet snap peas that are sweeter than the famous Sugar Snap and delectable in salads or appetizers. Earlier, it is more productive and hardier.
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
~25 Seeds
~50 Seeds
~100 Seeds
We are excited to offer you carefully selected heirloom garden seeds in airtight bags to keep them fresh for longer. Our bags are more effective than paper packets, and we label each bag with information on the current season, growing tips, and germination tests. We are committed to providing you with only the best quality seeds, so we don't stock any GMO seeds and follow the "Safe Seed Pledge."
We understand you can't wait to start your garden, so we try to ship all orders within 24-48 hours. It may take a bit longer during peak growing seasons, but we promise to get your order to you as soon as possible.