Lovage, Mountain Celery
Heirloom Lovage Herb Seeds. The Garden Lovage is one of the old English herbs formerly very generally cultivated and is still occasionally cultivated as a sweet herb. Lovage enhances the growth and flavor of whatever is planted near it. Flavorful dark green leaves and yellow flowers, the leaves and seeds are used for flavoring stews, soups, salads, pickling, and more. Nice celery taste. The hardy plants can be grown in most of the north. Very nice aroma and flavor. The leaves can be used in salads or soup, and the roots can be eaten as a vegetable or grated for use in salads. Lovage tea can be used as an antiseptic or drunk to stimulate digestion. Young leaves taste like celery and are used in spring tonic salads and with potato and poultry dishes. Perennial in zones 3-8.
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
0.2 g / 60+ Seeds