Magenta Spreen, Lambsquarters
Lambsquarters, (Chenopodium album). A relative of wild lambsquarters, spinach, and quinoa. Aka, Giant Goose-foot. The young plants have a mild tangy flavor. A wild green known by many names (goosefoot, pigweed, etc.), lambsquarters is highly nutritious and surprisingly tasty for something many consider a weed. Related to spinach, it can be eaten in much the same way – raw when young and tender, and cooked as the leaves mature – cooking is recommended as with spinach and chard due to oxalic acid content. High in iron, protein, calcium, and vitamins A and B1. Easy to grow and will self-seed year after year. 50 days. Light green leaves have a magenta color in the leaf centers. Excellent in a salad when young, or lightly cooked as a potherb, stir fry green, or any way spinach is used. More heat tolerant than spinach in heat. It can go feral in the garden if the seed is left to shatter. Some gardeners love this as it lends a self-perpetuating element to the annual garden. Chenopodium giganteum. Thirty days, baby, 60 days full.
Pkt Size/Approx, Seeds
0.4 mg / 200+ Seeds