Kekkyu Takana, Mustard
This is wrapped heart mustard or heading mustard. This mustard forms a small head with a tightly wrapped core in cold weather. The high-yielding plants are vigorous and easy to grow. Kekkyu Takana is a popular tasty variety in Taiwan and southern China. Heading mustard requires a cool temperature for heads to form. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late summer/early fall. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. The flavor is best when grown briskly, so plant in fertile soil and keep well watered. This variety is prized for pickling. Use in stir-fry and soup. Very easy to grow. 55 days (mature)
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
1.0 g ~500+ Seeds
•(Brassica juncea var rugosa)
•USA-grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing: six plants per sq ft
•USDA Zones: 3 - 10