Curled, Chervil
Curled Chervil plants grow as upright hardy annual herbs that thrive during spring or fall's cooler seasons. Curled Chervil can reach 1-2" tall and develop bright-green lacey leaves that give off a fresh verdant aroma. The leaves of your chevil herbs provide a variety of medicinal benefits. Once they"ve turned bright-green, Curled Chervil will be ready for harvest, before blooming clusters of small white flowers once the warmer temperatures set in and before going to seed. Curled Chervil is of the classic French “fines herbes" the fresh and tender leaves of these plants provide diverse options for cooking. This type of leafy herb is best used fresh as a garnish to omelets or added to salads. You can also lightly cook Curled Chervil in a warm soup or into a puree as a pasta sauce. As this variety of Chervil has a verdant flavor similar to parsley and anise, this herb is best paired with savory dishes or French cuisine. Curled Chervil is easy to freeze and can be stored throughout winter. Curled Chervil is a classic herbal @that has been used to provide various medicinal benefits, such as relief from a sore throat or skin irritations like eczema. You can also blend up the tender bright-green leaves to make a healthy fresh green juice as a detox! This type of Chervil has also been used to help relieve gout and promote fast hair growth.
Pkt Size/Apprx Seeds
0.5 g / 200+ Seeds