Jeok Gat, Mustard
This attractive mustard is preferred in Korea and North China. It has vigorous deep purple-red leaves with ruffled edges and a green midrib. The thick young leaves are tender and spicy with an excellent flavor. Harvest at any stage--microgreens, baby leaf, or at full maturity. Good for mild climates. Plant every two weeks for continuous harvest. The flavor is best when grown briskly, so plant in fertile soil and keep well watered. Start harvesting at 3" tall for baby mustard greens. Thin to 10" apart for mature heads. May bolt as temperatures and day lengths increase. Harvest florets as they are tender and delicious too. Mature leaves are excellent for pickling, stir-fries, and juicing. Very popular kimchi mustard in Korea.
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
1.0 g ~500+ Seeds
•(Brassica juncea)
•USA-grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing: six plants per sq ft
•USDA Zones: 3 - 9