Grand Rapids, Lettuce
Bred in Grand Rapids in the late 1800s, this variety is a Michigan classic! Grown for its large loose heads and frilled leaves, it makes for a romaine substitute with much more flavor and character. Delicious, crisp, and easy to grow.
These non-GMO Grand Rapids lettuce seeds grow into large green leaves that are resistant to tip burn. Grand Rapids Lettuce is ready to harvest in 55 days. The Grand Rapids thrives in full sun or partial shade, and can be grown in zones 3-12. The leaves of the Grand Rapids have a mildly sweet flavor. 50 – 60 days.
Pkt Size/Approx, Seeds
0.7g ~500+ Seeds
•(Lactuca sativa)
•USA-grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing: six plants per sq ft
•USDA Zones: 3-9