Yarrow, Golden
Golden Yarrow is a perennial flowering plant commonly used for medicinal purposes or as a hardy, diverse, wooly herb that protects other plants. As a member of the daisy family, Golden Yarrow develops fern-like foliage, deep roots, and clusters of golden flowers that can provide healing benefits. This beautiful wildflower crop is a beneficial addition to any garden. It produces massive clusters of 20-25 golden flowers measuring about 5" across. The roots of the yarrow plant can help improve the quality of your garden's soil. The fern-like foliage of the Golden Yarrow produces aromatic clusters of gold flowers that last for months in the garden.
The yarrow plant has been historically used for its astringent properties and vitamin and mineral richness to treat wounds and restore appetite. It continues to be an herb of choice for many natural remedies.
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
0.1 g/300+ Seeds
(Achillea millefolium)
• Non-GMO
• Perennial.
• 2nd Year Maturity
• Heirloom
• US grown
• Open-pollinated