Cayenne Long Slim Chili, Hot Pepper
Long Cayenne Chili plants produce many long, thin-fleshed pods that reach up to 10 in length long by a slender 1/2 in wide, and the peppers taper to a sharp point. The gangly plants reach up to 2 1/2 feet tall and may require support as they can become rather top-heavy with many chili peppers. The peppers are great to use fresh and dry very quickly, making excellent ristas. Long Cayenne Chili Pepper is said to originate from the Calabria region of Italy. The chilies mature from dark green to red and have a medium heat level, reaching 15,000 – 20,000 SCO.
Pkt Size/Seeds
~10+ Seeds
~30+ Seeds
•(Capsicum annuum)
•Annual Crop
•USA-Grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing: One plant per square foot
•Easy to grow
•USDA Zones: 3-12