Table King Acorn, Winter Squash
Table King (Cucurbita pepo) is definitely one of the finest winter acorn squash. This squash produces fruit on compact bush plants with beautiful glossy gray-green leaves. Table King squash bears a 2-pound squash of high quality and flavor. The flesh is, Light orange-colored, fiber-less, thick, and highly flavorful. Winter squash, such as Table King Acorn, comes from the Native Americans and was developed and cultivated in their gardens long before the arrival of the explorers and settlers. Traditionally, squash was grown alongside beans and corn as part of the "three sisters" group; these three vegetables greatly benefit each other's growth. This bush variety of acorn squash won the prestigious AAS Award in 1974. (80 days)
Pkt Size/Apprx Seeds
1.4 g / 15+ Seeds