Garlic Chives, Culinary & Medicinal Herbs
Garlic Chives have flat, tender leaves that have a flavor midway between garlic and onion. Delicious in salads, spreads, and flavored vinegar. White, star-shaped flowers are long-lasting, ornamentally beautiful, and unlike any other blooms. Makes for a great addition to salads and a delicious addition to most dishes. Grow garlic chives just as you would regular chives, in full sun and well-drained soil. Good for growing indoors and in containers. Harvest leaves to promote new growth, which will fill in quickly. Very tasty fresh or dried. A must for our culinary herb garden. Perennial. Garlic Chives,
Pkt Size/Approx. Seeds
0.5 g / 200+ Seeds
(Allium tuberosum)- 200 seeds
•USA-grown Seeds
•USDA Zones: 5-10