Bush Delicata, Winter Squash
Bush Delicata, Winter Squash. Unique appearance with cream skin and dark green longitudinal stripes and flecks. It tastes very sweet, and the skin is tender enough to eat. Excellent for stuffing and baking, even right at harvest! Squash Delicata . A real improvement on the standard delicate producing heavy crops of what must be one of the sweetest squashes available. The fruits are super sweet with a firm, deep orange flesh ideal for roasting or soup. The variety stores well into spring, with the green stripes fading as they need to be eaten. It can be left to ground trail or grown up a trellis in smaller spaces. 80-100 days.
Winter squash has a long season, requiring 80-120 frost-free days to reach maturity, so it is usually transplanted in northern climates. It can also be directly seeded once the danger of frost has passed and soil temperatures reach 70°F. Start transplants indoors 3-4 weeks before the last risk of frost. The optimal soil temperature for germination is 85-95°F. Harvest when fruits are full size, have a deep, rich color, and hard rinds that can't be easily dented with a fingernail. Changing the color of the "ground spot" from yellow to cream, gold, or orange is another general indicator of ripeness. Cut the stem at least 2" to harvest from the fruit: a short or broken stem can lead to rot. Cure after harvest by keeping in a warm, dry location for a few days.
Pkt Size/Approx Seeds
5.0 g / 15+ Seeds
•USA-grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing 4